A long-distance foldable smartphone with Samsung's Bendem display can finally be near the corner. Samsung Cell Phones CEO DJ Cohen CNBC said that the new device will be shown in the Samsung Developers Conference in November.DJ Koh says that it has rumored the device that "has been providing it" for more than two years - often referred to as Samsung Galaxy X.
Not much details were made about the design of the phone, but DJ Koh asserts that the experience offered by Samsung's Playmed Smartphone will be different from the tablet when the device is unveiled.
KoH also mentioned that the user will be able to use most of the phone's features when the device is in its foldable state.

Not much details were made about the design of the phone, but DJ Koh asserts that the experience offered by Samsung's Playmed Smartphone will be different from the tablet when the device is unveiled.
KoH also mentioned that the user will be able to use most of the phone's features when the device is in its foldable state.
You can use most of the use -- on the foldable condition.But when you need to browse or see something, then you have to lure it.Evens revealed, what kind of benefits does that compare to tablets? If the project experience is similar to tablets, why would they (consumers) buy it?
So each device, every feature, every innovation should be a meaningful message to our last customer. So when the end customer uses it, (they think) 'wow, because it made it Samsung.
Unfortunately, the device will not be available for the purchase of digital quos. Over the years Samsung has been playing with the ongoing smartphone consoles, and we are taking Lenovo to the backlit smartphone of Lenovo World in 2013. In late January, reports showed that the Santal Samsung Galaxy X closed the door closed on CES and the Samsung Galaxy X mass production would start in November. These rumors are consistent with the new report from CNBC, suggesting that the retail launch of the Samsung Galaxy X will finally be set for Q 2019.
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